
New sports table game for casinos
Sports betting expert Neil Greenwold is bringing an all-new table game to the London Casino and Gaming show, part of EAG, next week. His new company, Sport Shotz, will introduce The Drive, a totally u …
Blueprint doubles stand size for LCG
One of the first companies to sign up for the new London Casino and Gaming show, has revealed its plans for the exhibition.
TouchTunes - ensuring that the jukebox experience remains dynamic, relevant, and engaging
Soundnet/TouchTunes has proudly been a part of EAG for over 25 years, showcasing its commitment to both the industry and the show. Drawing on over three decades experience TouchTunes Sales Manager Kar …
Better Change to hold EAG Seminar dedicated to positive play
Better Change, the go-to organisation for the prevention of gambling harm will have a high profile presence at EAG Expo curating a seminar dedicated to positive play.
EAG to provide launchpad for Bacta partnership with Little Lifts charity
Little Lifts, now a Bacta Charitable Trust organisation, will be introduced to the amusements and gaming industry at the EAG Expo in London from 14 to 16 January. Founder Oa Hackett will share the cha …
EAG is a compelling demonstration of the ‘serious business of fun’ states Bacta Vice-President Joseph Cullis
The best possible shopwindow for the ‘serious business of fun’ is how Bacta Vice-President Joseph Cullis summarised the contributions made by EAG Expo both to the trade association and to the broader …
The Semnox product range giving operators the tools they need to thrive
An exhibitor at EAG for more than a decade Semnox Solutions will be at ExCeL London in confident mood with a raft of innovations and a desire to use the first industry expo of 2025 to get the year off …
Better Change to promote positive play
Better Change to promote positive play David Richardson Head of Strategic Partnerships at Better Change has described EAG Expo as providing the ‘perfect platform’ to start what he believes will be a m …
Sacoa to make five European debuts at EAG
Pol Mochkovsky, CEO of Sacoa International, the international innovator of cashless management systems for the amusement, entertainment and leisure sectors has highlighted the growth of EAG as a measu …
SingPods – the new entertainment option helping operators to hit the high notes
Billed as the perfect solution for operators to introduce karaoke to their venues, SingPods are space efficient booths which are designed to engage with customers, enhance visitation figures and incre …
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